Logo with hands reaching up as if wrists were the trunk of a tree and fingers spreading out like limbs, and then branches with stars and religious symbols scattered as leaves

Greater Springfield Interfaith Association 

We Welcome All Engaged in Ministry  

About GSIA

Purpose: The Greater Springfield Association (GSIA) is a community of individuals engaged in ministry from many different faith traditions. We come together to identify human needs--including our own--in this community, and to respond appropriately to those needs, given our resources, skills, time and energy. For forty years, we've met monthly, September through June, at each others' houses of worship and at social service agencies for professional development and socialization.

GSIA aspires to: 

  • sensitize members to social issues and human needs
  • respond to significant human needs, both personal and communal
  • increase awareness of human services available in the community
  • provide opportunities for serious study
  • enhance the professional skills of religious leaders
  • engage in interfaith worship services, meditation and other activities
  • offer fellowship and personal support to members

History: The Greater Springfield Association was founded in 1978. Although there were interfaith clergy groups in Springfield prior to GSIA's founding, they had ceased to be active, and there was no organization embracing the wide diversity of religious traditions in existence at the time. GSIA was founded to serve the needs of religious professionals for fellowship and continuing education, as well as to involve them in answering the unmet needs of the community.

Helping Hands Homeless Shelter and Interfaith Caregivers are examples of responses that grew out of GSIA's discussions.

On-going activities: GSIA traditions include monthly membership meetings for fellowship, devotions and learning; Annual Welcoming Banquet; GSIA Humanitarian of the Year Award; Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and Special Offering; Workshops and Seminars. We welcome nominations for the Humanitarian of the Year through early November, and make the award at our Interfaith Thanksgiving Service the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

But, GSIA doesn't plan to stop there. We want to continue building a meaningful presence in Springfield. Therefore, in addition to our regularly scheduled programs, we are planning a number of activities to build on our 40-year history.

These include:

  • Building and strengthening our relationship with other religious organizations and institutions;
  • Participating in the planning of the third Sangamon County Habitat for Humanities interfaith build;
  • Conducting professional development workshops.


GSIA is not just for clergy who minister to congregations, but also for members of various faiths and religious orders who engage in other forms of ministry. Membership is open to those from the City of Springfield and surrounding area. The membership year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month excluding July and August. Dues are $20 annually.

We hope you'll join us.

Interested? Send a note to GSIA@gsia.info. Or, complete the form on the Contact page. We look forward to hearing from you.

The GSIA LOGO illustrates our belief that all faiths grow out of a spiritual sense of mystery and thus should be held with reverence and respect.

 Representative List of Faiths in Springfield

  • nine-pointed star   Baha'i
  • dharma wheel   Buddhist
  • cross     Christian
  • om   Hindu
  • human     Humanist
  • crescent and star   Islamic
  • Star of David   Jewish
  • Four Directions   Native American
  • Sikh symbol   Sikh
  • Yin-Yang   Taoist
  • Chalice and Circle   Unitarian Universalist
  • Zoroastrian symbol   Zoroastrian

2024 Board of Directors

New Members joining the Board in 2025
  • We are looking for some new board members to join us in 2025. So far, we welcome Dr. Richa Pandey, a local medical doctor who serves as President of the Asian Indian Women's Organization to our board.

Humanitarian of the Year Award Winners


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